My first
WIAW last week went so well that I decided I had to participate again. Everyone's comments were so kind and supportive and I got to meet tons of new blogging friends. Thanks
That was over Christmas break however, where it was much easier to take pictures of everything I ate. The show must go on though, so I am posting my breakfast, lunch and dinner first. I will update this post later with my snack-age (the best part in my personal opinion!).
I appreciate any feedback, comments or questions (even vegan or vegetarian substitutions) regarding my blog or WIAW. Enjoy.
You may recognize this picture from
yesterday because I reused it,
but my breakfast looked exactly like this again today! It's just that
good :)
Sugar-free chocolate pancakes topped with peanut butter and served with scrambled egg beaters.
This is what my lunch normally looks like every weekday. I love Bento
boxes, especially my own personal
Laptop Lunch Box! I use it all of the
time because it keeps my food so organized and neat. Plus, it has
special compartments with lids for fruits, veggies, etc. It even has a
container for salad dressings (which is unpictured because I didn't use
it today).
So, here is what was in my Bento box- TL (top left): Carrots and
peanut butter, TR: Apple slices, BL (bottom left): Salad with diced
chicken, onions, peppers, lettuce (of course!) and tortilla pieces, BR:
plain popcorn.
Handful of whole, natural almonds:
This is what I had for dinner last night, but it was so tasty that I just had to use it for today's WIAW!
Deconstructed : grilled burger (made with lean beef, diced
tomatoes, onions, peppers and mushrooms), topped with tomato sauce and I
used homemade socca for the bread. Almonds on the side.
I had another burger for supper tonight, except I made this one with
beef, black beans and onions. I ate this one bunless however, topped
with tomato sauce. Sunflower seeds to crunch on!
Part of an apple, bitter chocolate cake made with banana and topped with
peanut butter. I also had Lactose Lizzie's cookie dough cakes with
applesauce and blueberries.
Honey crisp apple! |
I made the dough for the apple cookie dough cakes in a tall bowl- Much less messy! |
Second WIAW complete. Well, almost, as soon as I post my snack pictures!
You may notice from the past few days that my food has been essentially lacking in one important thing: DAIRY! For the past week whenever I eat any sort of dairy, citrus or high-fiber food it sends my stomach into a fit. It gets all bloated and starts to hurt. A few times I even started feeling nauseous and hot.
I went to the doctor a few days ago to address this problem and she then sent me to the hospital for more tests. Blood work, ultrasound, etc. All came back perfectly normal so I am going to have another ultrasound tomorrow and I've got two more doctor's appointments scheduled for this month. One if for an OBGYN, and the other is for my Dermatologist. My mom thinks my stomach problems are all resulting from the amoxil that I have been taking for my face. I stopped taking it a week ago as well and what do ya know.... My face has broken out! I guess that medicine has been doing it's job well.
I'm getting very frustrated though, because not eating dairy means I can't have any Greek yogurt or whey protein powder, protein staples in my diet. Oh well! More carbs for me :)
How are your New Years Resolutions coming along? I am definitely trying to follow my 2012 goal, which you can read more about
here. I've been doing well with going sugar-free for the month, but my exercising has been slacking a little. I'm planning on making up for that tonight however, with
Just Dance 3!
Do you like visiting the Doctor's? I've been going to the doctor's on a regular basis all my life for allergies and soar throats, so it doesn't really bother me. The only thing that bothers me now is that the diagnosis is taking so... long!
What do you think of my WIAW eats?